Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pineapple | Effective Weight Loss Techniques

Pineapple is a very popular tropical fruit and its benefits will tell you why. Like Papayas, Pineapple will contain enzymes that helps the body break down proteins. The enzyme involved in this breakdown is called bromelain. It is part of a safe and effective weight loss techniques.

Aside from using the Pineapple as an effective meat tenderizer, bromelain enzyme also helps in blocking some metabolic products involved in inflammation, which makes Pineapple a good anti-inflammatory fruit. Isolated bromelain has been known to be used to treat sports injuries, digestive problems, swelling, and other inflammatory problems. It has also been found out to reduce blood clots found in arteries.

Good Source of: Manganese, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C.

Bringing It Home

Pineapples don’t ripen after they are picked, so don’t expect that a hard or too-green
pineapple will improve. A ripe pineapple should smell sweet, especially at the stem
end. Avoid fruit with soft spots, bruises, or dark spots. Also steer clear of any that
smell musty, sour, or fermented.

Pineapple will keep at room temperature for a day or two. To keep it for more
than two days, wrap it in plastic and store it in the refrigerator, or cut up the pineapple
and refrigerate the chunks in an airtight container. Adding a little juice to the
container will help the cut pieces stay moist and juicy.
Pineapple’s sweetness can raise blood glucose levels fairly quickly—so balance
it out with a handful of nuts to provide more fiber and protein.

Copyright 2010 Effective Weight Loss Techniques | Pineapple

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